Saving to the Cloud with Chrome Editor

I’ve invested a lot of time into building this new saving feature into Chrome Editor.

It was the most popular requested feature that Chrome Editors were missing.

Basically it’s the ability to save your files to Google Docs.

Chrome Editor will ask for access to your Google account, if authorized it will be able to save files to the Google Docs cloud.

I’m very excited about this feature and the potential it has for the Chrome OS users that are already using Chrome Editor currently.

It’s pretty neat that now you can sync with the cloud from Chrome Editor.

If you want to export from Google docs however, I believe it only supports .html files which I haven’t tried yet. So that might rule out php and js file formats, but you can still save them out as .txt and change them later.

So get ready for the Chrome Editor 2.0 update coming soon.

Chrome OS and the Google Pioneers

Avidly wondering if I was one of the thousands that won the free Chrome OS laptop called CR-48. It looks like there are three being delivered to my neighborhood according to this web app.

I’m wondering what the experience of the apps I’ve built will function like when in the new Chrome OS environment completely independent from a desktop.

What is the screen size?
What is the point of the camera built into it?
What will the real purpose of a machine like this serve besides (twitter, and facebook)?

I may have to tweak some of my apps that now rely on downloading to the desktop considering there is no desktop on the Chrome OS.

I have read mixed views about the Chrome OS pilot, but I think a fast simple computer that doesn’t slow you down on the web is a great idea and I’m all for it. I’ve become pretty addicted to the Chrome Browser since March 10′ when extensions came out, before I was a pretty extreme mozilla user who had so many extensions that the program would take countless minutes and memory to load up.

Anyway I hope I get one, maybe you will too. You can sign up to win one until December 24th.
So sign up now!