Saving to the Cloud with Chrome Editor

I’ve invested a lot of time into building this new saving feature into Chrome Editor.

It was the most popular requested feature that Chrome Editors were missing.

Basically it’s the ability to save your files to Google Docs.

Chrome Editor will ask for access to your Google account, if authorized it will be able to save files to the Google Docs cloud.

I’m very excited about this feature and the potential it has for the Chrome OS users that are already using Chrome Editor currently.

It’s pretty neat that now you can sync with the cloud from Chrome Editor.

If you want to export from Google docs however, I believe it only supports .html files which I haven’t tried yet. So that might rule out php and js file formats, but you can still save them out as .txt and change them later.

So get ready for the Chrome Editor 2.0 update coming soon.

The Big 100

Chrome Editor now has over 100 users thanks for all the support.

I’m also interested in creating some new theme’s for 2011.

You can help too I’m looking for some cool new themes.

  1. Just provide a name of the theme.
  2. An image for the theme preferably 800×500 in png format, with transparent background.
  3. Background color #hex number.
  4. The smaller the file size the better.

Send your psd’s or png files to bryanlynn{at}

I’m going to pick the winners and post them below here in this blog post!

The top prize Winner will receive 5 free song downloads from

Thanks again to all the fans for supporting Chrome Editor.
