Code Run.. and New Features

So after launching Code Run for iOS and how relevant it seemed to have an impact in coding out html, css, and jquery from your iPhone or iPad.

I want to add more… features, so I have been spending some time linking the server side functions I’m trying to add via the web to extend Code Run to be more community driven.

The idea seems great to me, but getting it to work is much harder than I expected.

It will take time to get there but I like the challenge, so at the moment enjoy Code Run 1.1 and realize an easier, and fully featured version is coming in the near future.


Kindle Fire Development.

I really like the new Kindle Fire I happened to purchase one in November as soon as they hit the shelves of stores.

I’ve been trying to merge my iPad app Monster Munch to fit the smaller screen size of the Kindle Fire.

This has not been easy, because not only do you have to support the smaller screen sizes, but you have to support the Motorola Zoom’s screen size. It happens to take a long time re-sizing and adjusting to get things just right.

I hope to have this all sorted out so I can sell my Android flavored version of Monster Munch this year.

Stay tuned for an update, post below any comments or development tricks.